Hope school, in the town of Cottage Grove, has won a new FM radio for
school use for its work in conservation in connection with the radio
program, "Afield With Ranger Mac," heard over Wisconsin State
Broadcasting service radio stations.
The radio is among the $1,000 in prizes awarded to schools through the
state conservation department by Conservation Commissioner Guido Rahr,
Manitowoc. The Hope school was one of the Class A award winner. Blenore
Dahl is the teacher.
Class B awards of copies of the "Handbook of Nature Study,".for school libraries, were won by Punkin
Hdllow school, Route 1, Madison; Oak Park School, Deerfield, and Verona state graded school Verona.
Honorable mentions were won by White School, Verona, and the Morrisonville school, Morrisonville.
Capital Times - June 1, 1951